Raffle 抽獎活動

1. Where did Teacher Bobbie and their friends go to see the big Buddha statue? C. Baguashan  

2. What did Teacher Bobbie and their friends learn about at the Taiwanese cultural center? B. Taiwanese puppet theater  

3. What did Teacher Bobbie think about the Taiwanese puppets? B. They were cute and colorful.  

4. Where did Teacher Bobbie participate in a race? B. Tianzhong  

5. What prize did Teacher Bobbie win for finishing first in the race? A. A case of soy milk  


My first month in Taiwan was very fun. While I prepared to teach, I also got to explore Changhua. For example, my friends and I went to Baguashan to see the big buddha statue. We also visited the Taiwanese cultural center on the same mountain. We learned how to say different fruits and animals in Taiwanese, and even learned about Taiwanese puppet theater! I really liked the puppets, I thought they were cute and colorful. My friends and I also got to participate in a race in Tianzhong. The race was on a soybean field and we had to run, jump and crawl to finish the race. The race was really hard, but we won first place! The prize for winning was a case of soy milk. During my first month in Changhua, I got to see a lot of interesting things. I haven’t gone to Old Street in Lukang yet. Maybe I’ll go there next! Thank you for listening, I’ll share more next week. 


Q1: Where is Bobbie Alicea from? A: Philadelphia. 

Q2: Which of the following is a place Bobbie wants to visit in Taiwan? A: Ilan

Q3: What does Bobbie say about the weather in Taiwan? A: It's too hot.

Q4: Q4: What surprised Bobbie about Taiwan? A: The number of scooters.

Q5: What Taiwanese food does Bobbie say is popular in America? A: Bubble tea.

Hello, my name is Bobbie Alicea. I am the new ETA at Sijhou Junior High School. ETA is short for English teaching assistant. I come from a city called Philadelphia in the United States. Philadelphia is close to New York City. This is my first time in Taiwan. Taiwanese people are very kind, but the weather is too hot! While in Taiwan, I want to visit places like Yilan, Kaoshiung and Lanyu. I also want to learn how to speak Taiwanese. In America, only a few people know about Taiwan, even though bubble tea is popular there. I think Americans would enjoy the Taiwanese night markets because there are a lot of tasty foods there. Another thing that surprised me about Taiwan are the scooters. There are so many! In America, we rarely use scooters but I think they are convenient in Taiwan. Thank you for listening, I’ll share more next week!
